How to Build Amazing Shipping Container Homes
“Who Else Wants Simple Step-By-Step Plans To Design And Build Shipping Container Homes From Scratch?”
When it comes to building a home from a shipping container, there are many things you must consider. You've probably already searched various websites for guidance; however, many other Online guides miss out on several important steps.
You see, safety is a huge factor when building a container home. You'll probably have friends and family living in your container at some point!
And that's why you need to follow a guide you can trust. Not some dodgy YouTube video.
Professional container builder for 14
years reveals his secrets and teaches you:
How to build a beautifully designed home using shipping containers.
What costly mistakes must you avoid so your shipping container homes project doesn't collapse like a house of cards?
The fastest way to get your project complete and livable.
Where money can be saved and where to invest those savings for the best results.
The cheapest way to build shipping container homes from start to finish.
Hello, my friend,
I'm a professional builder and have been using shipping containers in many various projects over the last 14 years. I'm also a designer, I can help you visualize an amazing container home that's also easy to build. Function and brilliant design are my main goals when taking on a new project.
“There Are Many Benefits
To Shipping Container Homes”
I noticed about five years ago, the interest in shipping container homes skyrocketed. This is because people realize the huge benefits of this method:
And finally, after many years of experience, I have created a simple-to-follow DIY guide to building a container home.
- Afford-ability. Building a container home is extremely cost-effective. If you've already looked into the cost of the new or second-hand container, you know what I mean.
Design. You can easily modify shipping containers to create a modern, sleek look.
- Strength. Shipping containers are built extremely strong with few weak points making them a great starting point.
Time. Because most of the home is already built, you can build a complete home in record time.
Unique. Even though container homes are on the rise, they are still unique and will stand out from every other home.
Green. Recycling an old shipping container and using it to build with is a great green idea; many others will see the important example you're setting.
Now it's time for me to bring your dream to reality. After all this time in the building industry, I've been asked countless times to help others build their own shipping container homes. I've always been worried about others doing work like this, but after helping a few people, I knew it was something I loved to do.

Since my reputation is on the line, I leave no stone unturned! Here's what you're going to learn with my Build A Container Home Construction Manual:
Use my secret sources to get a shipping container at the lowest possible price. This can make or break your chances of building a low-cost home.
Crucial pre-purchase inspection tip! Warning: You must know this before purchasing ANY shipping container. Not knowing this quick tip could result in heartache and loss $$$.
How to obtain your permit. Get full step-by-step instructions to obtain a building permit, including a checklist of what you need to do. Just check them off as you do each step.
Design and layout planning tips and advice from a qualified expert. It may seem simple to use containers, but there are quite a few options, as you're probably aware. 20″, 40″, High cube, etc. Then you can use multiple containers in many different formats. My design tips will help you choose the right layout for your needs.
On top of my layout tips, I'll also throw in 15 3D container layout options to help you out.
Learn how to prepare your site for footings or concrete foundations correctly. I go into quite a lot of detail with plenty of diagrams and pictures on this topic because this is where I see many newbie container builders go wrong. So pay attention!
Get my electrical layout and installation plans. I've topped this off with full diagrams to make this as simple as possible.
This is just a small fraction of the information I'm including in my guide to building a Container Home. There is SO MUCH MORE included, and I'm sure you'll love the detail.
Customers worldwide are thrilled with the quality and level of detail in my shipping container homes construction guide. Take a look at what they're saying below:
As you can see, this is extremely extensive. You will not find this level of detailed information anywhere else. Not in the library, not in other Online guides, not on YouTube, nowhere!
“The Most Comprehensive And
Date Construction
Guide Available.”

But get in fast and secure your copy for just $47!
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by clicking the add-to-cart button below:
Are You Ready To Get Started?
I'm currently running a promotion and giving away my guide, not for the original price of $297 or even $197. But for a short time, only you can get your hands on “Build A Container Home” for a one-time investment of just $47.
“But be quick, I'm only giving the next 250, 100, 50, and 6 customers this offer! You will hate yourself if you miss out on this special price.
I will soon raise the price back to the original $247.”
(Limited time price!)
This is a downloadable product and works correctly on both PC and Mac. You will get instant access to the product after ordering, meaning there is no waiting for shipping and no shipping fees. This is just a 1-time fee.
If you need more information or for customer support, you can email me here:
Warren Thatcher
P.S. Remember, this is an instant download so there is no waiting for shipping. You can get started just minutes from now.
P.P.S. I'm also offering the guide a complete 60-day money-back guarantee. If you're not happy with my guide, just send me an email, and I will personally refund every cent straight back to your account. You have absolutely nothing to lose!
