The Green Life!

By John Greene 3 Min Read
Green Living

Living the Green Life


There are varying degrees of green lifestyle choices you can make. It depends on your level of comfort, concern, and personal preference. More “advanced” green lifestyles differ from those who are just getting started or who prefer to do just a few basic things. Here are some of the differences.



The Basics for being Green


 For a beginner or someone who prefers to do a few simple things, the basics usually cover it. Basic Green habits include some or all of the following:

 * Eating whole, natural foods grown organically and, if possible, locally
 * Recycling household waste such as cardboard, paper, glass, and plastic
 * Conserving water in the home by cutting back wherever possible
 * Choosing eco-friendly paints when it's time to redecorate
 * Saving energy by turning out lights, installing CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps), and using daylight whenever possible
 * Saving energy by using electric appliances sparingly and in a strategic way (such as baking foods at the same time, using the microwave to reheat foods, etc.)
 * Using solar lighting outdoors
 * Cleaning the home with natural, eco-friendly cleaners, homemade and commercial
 * Investing in more eco-friendly toys for children, such as wooden toys
 * Cutting back on fuel use by walking, carpooling, or biking
 * Using cloth bags for shopping




More Green Life Ideas


 In addition to the above, a more advanced green lifestyle might include some or all of these choices.


 * Setting up a recycling program in the office, school, or community
 * Organizing and participating in a community clean-up day
 * Engaging in eco-friendly travel, such as driving a hybrid vehicle
 * Installing solar panels, personal wind turbines, or other alternative means of generating electricity for the household
 * Composting kitchen scraps in a worm bin or compost pile
 * Growing your food using organic methods
 * Wearing only natural fibers and sustainable footwear
 * Using only sustainable and materials in the home, such as natural linoleum or bamboo flooring, mango-wood furniture, and natural countertops
 * Using only recycled materials in the home such as paper and cardboard
 * Doing business as an eco-consultant
 * Installing a low-flow toilet or composting toilet
 * Building an entirely eco-friendly house out of natural materials


 As you can see, there are varying degrees of going and being green. You may well begin with the basics and then add more and more of the more advanced options. And remember, you don't have to be super-advanced to be effective in your greening efforts. The important thing is to take steps in the right direction and do what you can do.

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I love my involvement with Freecycle USA. We are an organization known for offering Earth-friendly reasons to live a green lifestyle, both big and small. By choosing to reduce your carbon footprint, you’re helping protect the planet for future generations. You’re also protecting yourself from health risks like air pollution and climate change. And by adopting sustainable practices when it comes to food, energy use, and waste disposal, you’re helping protect the natural resources we all rely on.
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