The “How to Freecycle” Guide

By John Greene 10 Min Read

The “How to Freecycle” Guide

How to Freecycle the right way! Freecycling can also be called free recycling, it is the demonstration of giving away unwanted but usable things to others as opposed to discarding them in landfills. This term is regularly connected with online groups who run mailing records which offer things to individuals at no expense.

For a time “The Freecycle Network” asserted they held a trademark on “Freecycle” and guaranteed the term freecycling to be an infringement of their trademark rights. In any case they lost this case – and rights to the “Freecycle” trademark – in United States government court in November 2010. In her administering Judge Callahan expressed unequivocally that “Beal did not coin “freecycle” and TFN is not the first association to advance freecycling” and that “even … seeing the confirmation in the light most good to TFN … [they] occupied with bare permitting and subsequently deserted the trademarks.

Freecycling is the point at which an individual gives out, an unwanted but usable thing(s) to someone else who needs that thing free of charge. From flatware to mobile homes, individuals worldwide are deciding to freecycle instead of toss. The act frees space in landfills and eliminates the need to make new merchandise. A large number of groups committed to interfacing individuals who need to dole out something to individuals with a need are shaping around the world.

The following are three stages you can take to join the freecycling community.

  1. Locate a freecycling group close to you at Recycling Group Finder. In the event that you can't discover a group closes you, consider beginning one, either all alone or through associations ,The Freeuse Network, ReUseIt Network, Sharing Is Giving or The Freecycle Network. Freecycling works best when the individuals present in that group live geographically close on because it’s easier and uses less energy when exchanging stuff.
  2. Every freecycle group has its own particular guidelines, so learn and maintain those standards. But normally there are four sorts of posts: Wanted is you looking for an item; Found is telling others that you got what you were searching for; Offer is telling the group what thing you need to dole out; and Taken is to let the group know that you discovered an individual who required the item offered.
  3. Before purchasing something, verify whether any one in your group is looking to dispose of the thing you require. Before tossing a thing in the garbage, post an offer for the thing to check whether anyone needs that thing.

Presently you are freecycling! It is a straightforward, prudent, emotionally rewarding and ethically solid practice that can actually help spare the Earth.


Some principles guiding freecycling

While principles contrast from group to group, there are frequently normal themes.

  1. Things being offered must be legitimate, protected and suitable for all ages. Weapons, pharmaceutical or grown-up themed items are often not permitted.
  2. Often time individuals are uncomfortable getting something free of charge. Be that as it may, don't offer any amount of money for any item being given to you. Incessant freecyclers are often dedicated to a lifestyle of taking and giving required items for more noteworthy else's benefit of our Earth. Offering cash takes the free out freecycling and does not fit into this satisfying way of life.
  3. At the point of posting or responding keep your correspondence short and basic. Long stories regarding why you need something are regularly not welcome.
  4. Do well to completely depict what you are putting forth or requiring. A hazy thing depiction can bring about inconveniences for everybody included making a negative freecycle experience.
  5. Try not to discuss political issues, religion or some other non-freecycling subject.
  6. A curb alert is the point at which somebody has put something out for the garbage collector yet they are telling the group it is there for freecycling. A few groups permit control alarms about things haphazardly seen in the group that a group member accepts could be freecycled. It is best not to post the location of a spotted item, essentially tell individuals the general area of the thing. Give the location to one of the responders so there is not a race to the control. Clearly, time is of the pith regarding the matter of curb alerts.
  7. A few groups do permit posts on discover pets another home. If all else fails ask your group pioneer.
  8. While numerous offerers stick to the first-come-first-serve principle, the decision is ordinarily yours. Some like to hold up to check whether a zone charitable group requests the item. Some like to hold up no less than 24 hours prior to reacting to give individual member sufficient time to react.
  9. Pick interest at your own risk. Like some other movement on the Internet, security must be your first priority


Incorporate a Photo

Words generally can't do a picture justice. This is genuine concerning portraying a lamp, work desk or end table. A photograph can go far in preventing a negative freecycle occurrence where an individual acknowledges when seeing a item that it is not what they had envisioned in their mind by any means. While it is less critical for a toaster, moderate cooker or flame broil, a photograph is amazingly helpful for things like furniture where colour and design can be the main element. Taking an advanced photograph of your offer and including a link to that photo can be justified regardless of the additional exertion. How would you do that? Here are four simple ventures to getting that photograph out there brisk.

  1. Utilize a digital camera to take a photo of the item demonstrating the real outline components of the piece. Try not to shroud any defects. Actually, if there is an issue verifies the photograph demonstrates that damage. If it is hard to demonstrate the entire thing and the harm in one photograph, take an additional photograph demonstrating the harm. Keep in mind, hiding damage will just expand the danger of a terrible freecycle experience. Anyway, don't misrepresent the defects either. Try your hardest to come clean.
  2. Save the photographs to your computer, flash drive or disk. On the off chance that you are a successive freecycler, take the time to make a one of a kind organizer for sparing freecycle photographs.
  3. For simplicity purposes, use a group that joining is free and simple yet in the event that your freecycle group uses Yahoo Groups, joining is additional quick on the grounds that you can utilize your current Yahoo ID. After signing up, just upload your photograph.
  4. At the point when composing the offer email for your group, incorporate links to the photograph or photographs you uploaded.



Freecycle blog refers to a website that allows users, members or any other person accessing the site to reflect, share their views or opinions and discuss generally about freecycle. This blog is written in a slightly formal tone to guide the users on how to comment or what to post. It is written in a way to allow people to know what freecycle is all about.

There are a number of freecycle blog which display the meaning and means of freecycle, its importance and reasons for freecycle as it is to free the world, different materials to freecycle and the location also, a hint on how to join a freecycle group.


You can join any group and begin to enjoy freecycle

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I love my involvement with Freecycle USA. We are an organization known for offering Earth-friendly reasons to live a green lifestyle, both big and small. By choosing to reduce your carbon footprint, you’re helping protect the planet for future generations. You’re also protecting yourself from health risks like air pollution and climate change. And by adopting sustainable practices when it comes to food, energy use, and waste disposal, you’re helping protect the natural resources we all rely on.
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