Why Tiny House Living is Fun

By John Greene 11 Min Read

Why Tiny House Living is Fun

Why Tiny House Living is Fun and small interiors and tiny houses have become very fashionable among new home owners. The author believes that the idea of living in small places may take time getting use to but many argue in their favor of it and the ideal uses of the these small rational spaces.

It is believed that such a small structure consumes little material, so you can use environmentally friendly natural wood not only for walls and floors, but also for furniture. People with modest incomes argue that the reduction of living space is a way of life in which they feel at ease and comfortable.

Many green initiative believers are big advocates miniature homes, seeking to reduce damage to the environment. In a small space, you can put everything you need for a comfortable life.


Over the household living area, you can create a second level bedroom reached by vertical ladder and a separate the kitchen off from the living room make it nice and cozy.

Interior Design Tiny House

Supporters of the Tiny House movement lead a number of arguments in favor of the Interior small homes. In big houses, we have many rooms that are not used every day, but the energy for lighting and heating, as well as the time spent on cleaning time, is a big waste.

To reduce the area to 100 square meters for lighting and appliances will be sufficient to install solar panels. Natural lighting of the upper tier is carried out by small windows from floor to ceiling and at the end of the structure. It is convenient to use the openings in the roof.

Skylights in the interior of the bedroom Tiny House

Tiny House living is fun for couples and the single person looking for a quite small living space, above all, the right to decide on priorities and tastes is not difficult at all. One might need a sauna, another a well-equipped kitchen, and others regularly take guests and need extra beds and it is all up to you to decide on.

Every one of these tiny houses in their own way is a dream home. Tiny homes require lower construction costs and the mortgage can be paid in the short term, or do without it. Low cost of living makes it possible to raise the money to start their own business or travel.

The list of owners of Tiny Homes should not really include families with children, because the child is dynamic and requires a lot of space to play and develop.

The interior in the style studio. Long a podium has drawers for storage. Top fit the mattress and pillows, get a sofa that, if necessary, can be extended using a free surface. Worktop fixed to the wall and lying, for eating or working. Above the TV screen and over the shelf speakers, Video and green spaces.

Living Tiny House

The tiny house is difficult to make a mess because there are no unnecessary items, only the desired and loved all the space and furniture is left to chance, is used functionally. But the big group of friends gathering impossible, even for a noisy party place is small.

Use the loft as a bedroom could only healthy people for whom the vertical ladder to the second floor without railings is not a difficult obstacle. In a well-organized small space, no extra items and all surfaces are minimized. Bring them in order can be a few minutes.

Interior Design kitchen area Tiny House

From the point of view of the economy, low costs this would allow a Tiny Homeowner to be able to change from a higher more stressful high-paying job to a less stressful one. Tiny homes are a favorite of Artists and Travelers. Travel lovers can easily close their small house and go on a trip if they want to.

Statistics confirm that small property owners spend more time outdoors. Those fortunate enough to have a house in the village go to it to prepare and rest, rest of the time spent in nature. Yes, and they communicate with their neighbors much more, create clubs, organize picnics, festivals, common events.

When you are not burdened with the care of a large home, it is easier to begin to fulfill desires you maybe couldn't have owned a larger home. You can go to visit the grandchildren or meet with your classmates in a different city. Not being burdened with the costs of large housing maintenance you could start that business you have always dreamed about, do some things you love, because most people have a hobby, and always short of time and money.

Natural wood, lacquered, its appearance will adorn any room. For those who travel a lot, enough to have a sink and shower in the hallway, bedroom of a small kitchen to know that it has its own area where they can always come back and that does not require much attention.

Tiny House Entrance

A dream house may have a different structure, but much depends on the climate. In the southern areas can shower and even arrange a kitchen in the yard. Solar cope with all the energy costs. In the north, where the cold and fierce winter, should take care of the stove, place of firewood, and all the facilities have to be inside the walls. But skiing can ski right from the door.

Thick walls, canopy over the entrance to the porch is not covered with snow, a high base or pile and devices for storing firewood or coal in a readily accessible place. Windows is better to put out the glass for the northern regions and in the center of the hearth to warm the rear wall street.

Exterior Tiny House

The outside shower requires minimal space and can be made as a stockade with a shelf for soap and gel. Use can be in any area in the warmer months.

Outside shower in the courtyard Tiny House

The idea of creating the second level is attractive and requires a good analysis. How long are your age and health will enable you to use wooden stairs, standing upright and cope with the rise of your guests? You can use a piece of folding furniture and interiors to create transformers, need at the moment.

Design with beams of boards does not limit the space available allows light and zoned kitchen. To prepare the food a high ceiling is not needed, even in big houses and designers are trying to land it with the understatement of the ceiling and various designs.

Staircase in the interior Tiny House

Those people who can not quickly switch to small interiors, it is desirable to recall childhood, the house and the room in which they grew up. Now you have the opportunity to have a little home of your own and live separately from other family members who go by their own rules and routines.

Wide enough to put a mattress on the floor, because it is wooden and warm. The high ceiling does not need to sleep so the house can have one and a half floors. Motley pad and colored covers replacement decor.

The bedroom in the attic Tiny House

Starting small interior design, analyze their habits and needs. What do you like to cook? For complex dishes, you need the appropriate equipment in the kitchen. Power semi will limit the stove and microwave with a minimum work area.

The home sauna can be 2 seats and occupy a very small area, it is best to place next to the shower or to combine. You can even order a ready-made kit and install. The stove takes up little space in the corner, and hung on the wall of ladle and potholders look great as a decoration.

The stove in the kitchen interior Tiny House

If you work at home, care should be taken to create jobs. This is a table with a computer or a comfortable chair for needlework and appropriate lighting.

Workplace Tiny House

Heating and Gas Equipment has established rules on the minimum requirements for the area and the presence of the door, should not be placed above and below the living room. Check out all the standards in the construction of residential buildings and create a sketch project that professionals can look at to finalize the details. Modern technologies allow to drill a well to a greater depth and make water. Modern septic simplifies draining sewage. Alternative energy sources will help to build a house in the woods with all the modern conveniences.

This is Why Tiny House Living is Fun! Learn how to build your Dream Tiny House with these amazing plans available for a short time only at a huge discount.

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