Doggy Dans Online Dog Training

By John Greene 6 Min Read

Doggy Dans Dog Training

Have you been searching the Internet for the best Online Dog Training Course? Well my friend this course I'm about to tell you about is the hottest dog training course available online right now. Whereas many of the products in this category are technically only purchased online, or have an online element, OnLine DogTrainer truly is an online dog training facility, developed with today's internet user in mind.  The course is distributed in the form of instructional videos and a forum accessed through logging online after membership has been activated.  Firstly there is a free five day course version that gives you a taster with “Doggy Dan's Essential Dog Training”.  The official trial period for the main product works by paying $1 and seeing how you like the product for seven days, after which, if you are satisfied, $37 will be deducted from your bank account every month thereafter.  You can change your mind at any time and cancel your subscription, and there is a further 60 day money back guarantee if you are not happy with the product where you will receive a full refund. 


The author, “Doggy Dan”, is a professional dog trainer and behavioralist with years of professional experience, and his training program has been endorsed by the SPCA (Society for Protection against Cruelty to Animals).  The methods used here are gentle and non-violent, advertised as “no force, no fear”.  The course starts with teaching you to establish yourself as the pack leader using instructional videos showing the instructor at work with real dogs.  It then goes on to tackle common behavioral problems with quick easy-to-use instructions that can produce results in seconds. as demonstrated in front of the camera.  Problems addressed here in include:Online Dog Training

  • Aggressive behavior to people or other dogs
  • Excessive barking
  • Hyperactivity
  • Feafulness
  • Disobedience
  • Separation anxiety
  • Chewing, mouthing, stealing
  • Toileting in the wrong place
  • Selective hearing
  • Unpredictable or crazy behavior

If you have a new puppy you can jump straight to the puppy section which addresses problems such as toilet training, mouthing, jumping up and recall.  This product claims to remove the confusion around dog training, providing a calm authorotative voice in an overwhelming online market.  Doggy Dan says that he can show you how easy it is to achieve good communication with your dogs without raising your voice.  The method used treats the cause of the problem and allows your dog to choose the correct behavior through choice, and not through force or fear.  The last section deals with understanding dog behavior in general.

For those who want to understand dog behavior in more detail there are resources available through this site that you can work through at your own pace and they are laid out in a simple drop down menu.  The quality of the videos is very high in comparison to the other products lower down in the category.  The high production quality makes for a clean product that really highlights the steps being taught without distraction.  The dogs on the videos at The Online Dog Trainer also certainly look relaxed and happy, and that is very hard to fake.  There is no mention of serious aggression problems or other serious behavioral problems here, which may or may not respond well to the softly softly approach.  Most of the dogs in the videos look pretty easy going and docile.  We would recommend you seek face to face consultation with a local dog behavioralist if you have any concerns with whether or not this product will help your dog.

The site is constantly being updated with videos being added and new questions being answered online.  The three bonus extras include an “audio library” which gives an insight into understanding your dog in downloadable audio format.  Bonus 2 is an extra guide to puppy training called “7 Secrets to Puppy Training”, and bonus 3 is a video called “9 Advanced Vocal Commands” and teaches a range of commands used by Hollywood dog trainers.  The Online Dog Training package is packed with features of a high quality and good facilities for customer support in the form of the forum.  Even if you only sign up for a few months, you and your dog should learn a lot here. Why not sign up for free?

Click on the button below to check out for yourself…

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Purchase Here![/button]

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